Friday, 6 February 2009

Avigdor, blatant anti-Japanese rant

Welcome Avigdor Lieberman to the pantheon of Israeli politics: roll over Barak, Netanyahu, Sharon, Peres (!) and all the other extremist focus group-leaning Israeli politicians, this guy has outdone you all. Not only to enforce the apartheid politics a-la-Red/Orange/Yellow alerts built on fear and alarmism, nor just to prove Zionist credentials by degrading Arab ethnicity as a given, but now to smear the Japanese?

His words on Jan 13, 2009 - "A real victory can be achieved only by breaking the will and motivation of Hamas to fight us, as was done to the Japanese in the last days of World War Two." noted in the Guardian today, and previously on Bloomberg among others.

Wow, that's nice. If Hamas were a top-5 industrial, naval and military powerhouse nation, like Japan was in early 20th century, maybe you'd have a point about WW2. Hamas hold onto the most impoverished slice of land facing the sea this side of Eurasia, without enough economic activity to warrant even rudimentary corruption or piracy like other more established failed states in the region. But if extremism is good enough for previous Israeli presidents and prime ministers, I'd bet that Netanyahu is on the way out, Avigdor on the way in, liberal Obama or not.

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