Monday, 4 January 2010

Apple's Phil Schiller paints pragmatic cloud future to JP media (and warns Google): "customers not looking for web-based computers"

In an exclusive interview to Japanese media a few hours ago, Philip Schiller - SVP of worldwide product marketing at Apple - warned that "customers are not looking for web display-driven computers".

Firing a shot across the bow to Google's all-encompassing cloud-based OS strategy, and making sure that Asian markets are listening, he predicts a more pragmatic approach to cloud computing with a growing distinction between cloud-friendly software, and other software that isn't and that will remain local.

"Lots of software and data, such as games, movies, and pictures, don't work well in the cloud [...][In the future,] high-performance computers loaded with software and browsers that are easily usable by the cloud will become mainstream".

(see the original Japanese article here).

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